Monday, 25 February 2008

Pilot Sacked for 'Top Gun Style' Fly-By

Captain Ian Wilkinson, a seniour captain at Cathay Pacific astounded passengers as well as onlookers by swooping a Boeing 777 to within 8.5 metres from the ground at almost 350mph!

It was the maiden flight for the brand new addition to the Cathay Pacific fleet from Boeings factory in Washington, cheered on by onlookers. Passengers on the £100 million plane even included Chris Pratt, the chairman of Cathay Pacific.

Buit when footage of the fly by leaked on the internet, the champagne celebrations turned murky and Captain Wilkinson was sacked from his £250,000 a year job. A spokesman said: “The pilot in command of the flight was dismissed as he had neither sought nor obtained the necessary company approval to undertake such a fly-by.”

We feel a bit sorry for Captain Wilkinson as we thinks its pretty cool...but none the less he's now got the boot so we thought we'd show you the clip!

REMEMBER: Although this is just four seconds, it is almost 350mph and 8.5m from the ground!!!