With the introduction of the new A380 craft, airlines have made it clear to all double bed suite passengers that there is definately no sex allowed on board!
Singapore Airlines were the first to take on the new craft and Stephen Forshaw, the companies spokesman said “If couples used our double beds to engage in inappropriate activity, we would politely ask them to desist”
“If couples used our double beds to engage in inappropriate activity, we would politely ask them to desist,” said the company’s Stephen Forshaw.
But BeatTheBrochure have had reports that these cabins are very cosy indeed and short of suppltying oysters for their passengers, champagne and privacy are standard.
For flights on the new A380 of further info, pleaase ciontact our flight specialists on 0870 950 9690, or book flightsonline at http://www.beatthebrochure.com/Flights.aspx?Offer=Yes